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Nancy Drew The Final Scene Library Of Congress Number

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Nancy Drew Final Scene WalkthroughWALKTHROUGH writtenbyNorma Kuderna11/17/01Minimum requirements:Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, or 2000 Professional166 MHz Processor16 MB RAM128 MB available hard disk space16 Bit color graphics video card that's compatible with directX 6 or higher.8x CD-ROM drive16 Bit compatible sound cardDirect X 7.0 or higherIf you already have the Nancy Drew game Treasure in theRoyal Tower installed on your computer, you will need to uninstall that gamebefore installing Final Scene. All your saved gameswill remain on your computer.WARNING! This is a step- by -step walkthrough and may giveaway some solutions to puzzles. Please only read if you are stuck.

You may emailus if you need a little hint or a saved game. It is not necessary for you toplay this game in a particular order, but you won't be able to progress untileverything is completed for the day you are playing. Itis also not essential for you to call your friends Bess, George, and Ned, but itis fun and they can give you hints. This walkthrough waswritten playing in Senior Detective mode.DAY 1Nancy is visiting her old high school friend, Maya Nguyenin St. Maya, a student at Washington University, has a press pass and ison her way to interview Brad Armstrong the lead actor in 'Vanishing Destiny'premiering at the Palladium Theater for her school paper. The theater was builtin the 1920's and all the great magicians used to perform there includingHoudini.

Maya enters Brad's dressing room as Nancy waits backstage. Nancy,planning to go look for the snack bar, hears Maya scream. She enters thedressing room, but Maya is not there! The phone rings. It is the kidnappersaying that Maya will go down with the building if they don't stop thedemolition. The 2nd call is from Joseph the caretaker andprojectionist.Look in the closet and pick up the baton.

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Walk over to thedressing table, notice the locked drawer, and look behind the picture of thelaughing man. Pull the lever to open the secret passageway, which is behind theclothes hanging on the rack near the wall. Go through the secret passageway andcome out through the wardrobe of the women's dressing room. She isnot very helpful and finds you to be a nuisance. Leave her dressing room and goout the door on the right. You will be in a hallway that leads around to thefront lobby of the theater.

Enter the first door on the left, which is a smallbox seating area. Pick up the quarter on the floor. Go back to the hall andfollow it around to the front lobby where you will meet Nick by the snack bar.Ask him about Maya. After you finish talking go to the ticket booth and call thepolice. Battle of the immortals.

You can dial 911.The police take the information but are not helpful. Theyneed to wait 24 hours unless Nancy can find some proof she was kidnapped. Talkwith Nick again until he has no more to say.Turn to the right and play the Jazz/Dance puzzle game.(Solution for Senior Detective mode: down, down, right, up, right, right, down,right, right, down, right, up, right, up, left, up, right.) (Solution for Junior Detective mode: up, up, right, right, up, up,up, right, down, down, right, right, right, right, up, left, up, right)Pick up the disk.Go up either stairway and turn to the left or right beforeyou get to the door and you should find the projection room. Talk with Josephtwice and he will suggest you call the County administration for blueprints.Leave the projection room and enter both sides of the balcony. Look over theedge of both railings. On the right side facing the screen you can see a littlepink blob stuck to one of the chairs. On the left side you can see another diskbut it is too far to reach.

You can rig something up using your inventory item.Get that disk! To get the disk, go downstairs and findthe chair with the gum. Use your baton on the pink blob. To find thechair with the gum, go down the center isle toward the screen, then turn aroundand walk toward the back of the theater. The chair with the gum is in front of apillar. Now you will have something to reach that disk!Nick is no longer at the snack bar, so check out thepamphlets.

On one of the pamphlets you will find the County Administration phonenumber (555-3309). Call them for the blue prints.Time to snoop some more behind the stage.

Maybe there aremore secret passageways.Notice the large crate tied with ropes? Go to the otherside and unwind one of the ropes until you hear a 'CLUNK!' Go back to the crateand attach the hook.

Rewind the rope until it is back the way it was. Now lookat the floor where the crate used to be and find the trap door. Go all the waydown the stairs and turn right. Follow it around to the right until you come toa small safe. Turn all the symbols to spades and the door will open revealing abox with a picture puzzle on top.


Move the pieces to make this picture. Thepieces turn if you put your cursor in the upper left until it changes to acurved arrow.After you solve the picture puzzle the box will open.Place the 2 gears and then click on the silver one to open the secret drawer.Pick up the key and read the note. Search the other side of the basement andplay the Amazing Monty Magician card game. Win that game and pick up your prize!To play the game, click on the play button until the 3 squares light up, andthen click on one of the squares. Keep playing until you win.Time to go up stairs and ask our suspects where they werewhen Maya was kidnapped. Talk with Brady in his dressing room. Go out to thelobby and talk with Nick again about JJ Thompson.

Nick will leave to check hislaptop. Joseph will call you over the loud speaker. Go up to talk with him andsee what he has to show you. Go back to call the police again. When you leavethe ticket booth Joseph will meet you and that will end Day 1. DAY2Look at the funeral wreath and read the note. Talk withJoseph in the projection room.

While you are there you can look around the room,if you haven't already. Pick up a slide on that table with empty film reels.Read the Clayton Projector manual and notice the last page where the key ismissing. Open the closet and take the projector bulb.Go down stairs and talk with Nick. Talk to him twice untilhe tells you everything. He will tell you about the widow of Houdini's cousinand ask you to call her.

He wrote her name and phone number on the pad next tothe phone. Call her now. Eustacia Andropov 1-813-555-3247.Eustacia will tell you to call the Library of Congress andtalk with Sherman Trout. The number is 1-202-555-5000. Call him also and then goback out to the snack bar and talk with Nick again.Go to the women's dressing room and talk with Simone acouple times until she has nothing more to say. Go over to see Brady, but thistime he is not there.

Look at the book and note that he was reading. Leave theroom and when you come back he will be there again. Ask him about the postersand where he found Maya's press pass. Go out to the lobby and hang out in theticket booth to hear the press conference.After the press conference, go back to Simone's dressingroom.

She will not be there so you can snoop around. Open the drawer of thedressing table and pick up the bobby pin. Look through her purse. You can turnon the camera and look at all the pictures of Brady. Open her wallet and look ather cards and the receipt for the funeral wreath.It is not essential but you can look at her organizer andread her email if you can get the numbers 8-1-3 on the center row and stars onthe top and bottom row. Close her purse and go over toBrady's dressing room. Use the bobby pin to open the locked drawer and read theStage Technician's Guide.

Read this book and take notes, then go up to theprojection room. Joseph is not there so you can play with the projector and goto the control panel. Place the slide in the front then turn on the light andfocus the slide. If you turn off the light and turn it back on the light burnsout.Control panel for Houdini trick.The power button is already lit an on.

Click on the numberkeypad and enter the 6-digit code.